Dev Blueprints
A growing collection of personalized guides on various topics, offering practical insights for developers such as these templates below.
Gatsby Quick-Start:
Personally, creating a Gatsby app using the cli is the ideal way of starting. There are other methods in the internet if you're curious.
1. Install gatsby-cli:
$ npm i -g gatsby-cli
2. Check version to see if it's installed:
$ gatsby -v
3. Install the starter site (follow instructions from official docs↗):
# gatsby new dir-name (starter site url)
$ gatsby new my-project
4. Run the final command:
$ gatsby develop
Creating a NextJS App:
Start a Next app:
$ npx create-next-app@latest
And then follow the prompts! Make sure to use the App Router↗ and it is up to you for the other technologies.
Vite Frontend Tooling:
Start your first Vite project using this command:
$ npm create vite@latest
Or directly specify the configurations:
$ npm create vite@latest dir_name -- --template vue
Check the github docs↗ for more template information.
You can also use the "." for the directory name to scaffold in the current directory.
Here are some useful git commands that may help.
Git configuration:
To setup git username and email:
$ git config --global 'your username'
$ git config --global ''
To set the default branch name to main instead of master:
$ git config --global init.defaultBranch main
To check for git configuration:
$ git config -l
Git removal:
To remove git from directory:
$ rm -rf .git*
Git logs:
To get a list of commits:
$ git log
To get a list of commits in one line format:
$ git log --oneline
Git branches:
To check local branches:
$ git branch
To create new branch:
$ git branch branchName
To go to a branch:
$ git checkout branchName
To create and go to a new branch:
$ git checkout -b branchName
To delete a branch:
$ git branch -d branchName
Git remote:
To add a remote repository:
$ git remote add origin urlHere
To see remote connection:
$ git remote -v
To push a new branch and set upstream to the remote repo:
$ git push -u origin branchName
Git stash:
To stash changes and return to the previous state:
$ git stash
To see all stashed file changes:
$ git stash list
To get the file from the top of the stash stack:
$ git stash pop
To discard the changes from the top of the stash stack:
$ git stash pop
To apply changes from the selected stashed item:
$ git stash apply stash@{n}
User Authentication between local machine and GitHub:
You can check these links for references:
1. Generate SSH key pair:
a. Use the command ssh-keygen to generate a new key pair.
# root directory
$ ssh-keygen
b. Save the key (usually in /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa_fileName). Follow the prompts.
$ ssh-keygen
$ Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa):
$ Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
$ Enter same passphrase again:
$ Your identification has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa_fileName
$ Your public key has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/
$ ...
c. Check public key (/home/user/.ssh/
# root directory
~$ cd .ssh/
~/.ssh$ cat
2. Copy and add public key to GitHub main settings (SSH and GPG Keys > New SSH Key):
3. Add a config file on ~/.ssh (this method use Nano, a terminal-based text editor):
a. Create a config file:
~/.ssh$ nano config
# or
~$ nano ~/.ssh/config
b. Add private key.
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_fileName
4. Run SSH Agent:
~$ eval $('ssh-agent')
~$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_fileName
Initializing Repository from local machine:
Start a new repository using your local machine and Git. Check this installation guide↗ if you don't have git.
1. Initialize git in your directory.
$ git init
2. Make changes to your directory. Add files, start making your project, etc.
3. Add remote origin url from GitHub repository.
$ git remote add origin urlFromGitHubHere
4. Change branch name to main if you haven't.
$ git branch -M main
5. Add all changes.
$ git add .
6. Commit changes.
$ git commit -m 'commit message'
7. Push changes to GitHub.
$ git push -u origin main
Cloning Repository from GitHub to local machine:
Assuming you already have a GitHub repository, you can clone it to your machine using git clone.
1. Clone the repository.
$ git clone urlFromGitHubHere
2. Make changes. Add changes. Commit changes.
3. Push to the GitHub Repo.
$ git push